Karla Aguirre
2015 NextGen Advocate Winner
Emily Sadigh designs and implements strategies to promote climate action and employee engagement in one of California’s largest local governments. She is a Harvard-trained educator and certified Biomimicry Specialist who works across the public sector, universities, and businesses to connect innovators to partners and resources. She has been recognized by Next City as one of the top young civic leaders […]
No Girls Allowed: How to Thrive as a Young Woman in the Federal Workplace
Defending America with Sticky Notes – Why Government Needs Design Thinking
An Ironman’s Approach to Achieving the Impossible: Get the Results You Want
To Be Brave or Not to Be Brave. Is it Even a Question?
Know Your Worth, Learn the System, Find a Champion and Show Up
John Windmueller, Organizational Training Manager at Improv@Work, instilled the crucial soft skills that govies need to create a successful work environment through Improv exercises.
Dan Tangherlini, Administrator of the US General Services Administration (GSA), expressed some of the challenges that his agency faces and reminded public sector professionals of the importance of their work.
Michael Smith, Director of the Social Innovation Fund for the Corporation for National and Community Service offered his top five ways that anyone can be a ‘fearless changemaker’ and start making the change you want to see happen in the world sooner.
Beth A Payne, Director of the Office of Children’s Issues at the Department of State, knows a thing or two about resiliency and offered six ways to improve it.
Kate Otto focused on how digital technology has both connected us more easily than ever before – but also led to the disconnectivity paradox. She provided four essential traits we must possess to help us overcome it.
Kiyona Miah, a Program Analyst at the Census Bureau, provided three tips to turn your confidence killer into a confidence pillar.
Senator Mike Johnston shared his path to running for office, and his vision for crafting a stronger democracy. His story shows the power of public servants to transmit remarkable changes to lives of citizens.
Whitney Johnson gave an impassioned presentation on the power of identifying a purpose to guide your career. “When you’re clear on your why you become a problem solver letting nothing stand in your way,”
Hurst gave advice and recommendations to integrate purpose into your workplace – and your life. By placing purpose at the center of every decisions and interaction, you can transform your organization from a professionalism-driven entity to a purpose-driven machine.
Rob Hoehn, CEO of Ideascale, discussed what would happen if all companies were guided by mission, rather than profit, or longevity and how to enable X-corp thinking.
Bethany Henderson, a Social Entrepreneur and Former White House Fellow, stressed the importance of not waiting for ‘someday’ and finding a ‘superpower’ as first steps to having it all.
Daniella Foster, Director, Public-Private Partnerships, Department of State, suggests three ways government can get into crowdfunding.