David Bray
Dr. David A. Bray began work in public service at age 15 at a 4 GeV high-energy electron beam accelerator facility, later serving in the private sector before returning as IT Chief for the CDC’s Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program during 9/11, SARS, monkeypox, and other outbreaks.
He volunteered to deploy to Afghanistan to “think differently” on military and humanitarian issues in 2009. In 2013, he served as the Executive Director for a bipartisan National Commission associated with the U.S. Intelligence Community.
Dr. Bray currently is a Senior Executive and CIO for the Federal Communications Commission and through the efforts of a team of positive “change agents” he led the transformation of the FCC’s legacy IT to award-winning tech in less than two years. This included rolling-out new cloud-based IT that achieved results in 1/2 the time at 1/6 the cost. Instead of taking 6 months to deliver new prototype solutions, the FCC can now deliver a prototype in 48 hours.
Most importantly, he has championed bottoms-up, empowered #ChangeAgents across all of public service and served as the emcee for the Next Generation of Public Service Awards in 2014 and 2015. David is a true leader of positive change.