Explore the 2023 NextGen Virtual Summit Keynote Sessions
We’re hard at work preparing the May 15, 2024 NextGen Virtual Summit agenda! We will be sure to share announcements as the agenda is finalized and speakers are added to the lineup. In the meantime, check out the 2023 keynote speakers listed below to get a better sense of the content we are planning for this year’s Summit.
Talk Less, Listen More: How to Have Truly Impactful Connections
Are you listening to me? Are you really listening? Or are you planning what you are going to say next? Often, a conversation becomes dueling monologues instead of a dialogue, which leaves everyone frustrated. In this keynote, you will hear from a communication expert about the keys to figuring out how to talk less, listen more and have impactful conversations.
Overworked and Burned Out: Do’s and Don’ts for a Better Work-Life Balance
It may sound trite, but you can’t do it all. Still, we bust our butts trying to. So, how do you find a better balance? How do you do enough to get your priorities done but not so much that you end every day more burned out than the day before? In this keynote, you will hear do’s and don’ts for achieving better work-life balance.
Own Your Journey: No One Is Going to Plan Your Career for You
The only people who might care more about your career than you do are your loved ones. That might sound harsh, but it’s true. Your manager, as good as they might be, is more likely to focus on your performance than on your professional development. You must do it yourself. In this keynote, you will hear how to own your career journey and learn what steps you can take to map it out.
Nothing Stays the Same: How to Embrace, Not Fight, Change
Change. Blurg. Gulp. Ew. Listen, we all like to pay lip service to change around the New Year or when we feel stuck. But change is hard. Like really hard. And it’s even harder when you aren’t in control of the change itself. New manager? New priorities? Another round of COVID? In this keynote, you will hear strategies for dealing with change when it happens, preparing to better embrace change and finding ways to thrive through transitions.
Unconventional Paths: Gov Leaders Share Their Journeys
If you ask high school graduates what they want to be when they grow up and then follow up with them at age 50, very few will likely have followed that exact career path. But that doesn’t mean they are disappointed in how their careers turned out. Often, the unexpected path is the most rewarding. In this keynote, you will hear from three government leaders about their career journeys and the winding paths they took to get to their current roles.
Find the Passion for What You Want to Do
When you ride the elevator to your floor at work or when you open your laptop at home to start your day, what’s your first reaction? Do you sigh and sign on for another long day? Or do you feel motivated to get to work? Finding your passion and matching that to your job description is essential for making your career a fulfilling one. In this closing keynote, you will hear how to find and nurture passion in your career.
There’s much more to learn and discover, so sign up now to take part in the NextGen Government Virtual Training Summit.