Public Speaking Tips & Tricks
Originally posted via GovLoop’s Stephen Peteritas.
People’s number one fear is public speaking…number two is death.
In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, “This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
We want to help reduce this fear with our NextGen Training: Public Speaking Tips & Tricks on March 11th at 2:00 PM ET.
Click Here For More Information On The Training
Being an effective presenter is required for anyone who is (or aspires to be) in a leadership position. In some cases, your next presentation could be career-defining.
In just an hour we’ll help you learn how to:
Gain confidence before you hit the stage
Give you tips and tricks on how to prepare and practice for a better delivery
Avoid the biggest public speaking mistakes
Register Here For March 11th Webinar Training
Hope to see you March 11th, and prepare to have your next presentation not be a matter of life or death!