Oct. 23, 2024 Agenda

Oct. 23, 2024 Agenda

NextGen Government Training Virtual Summit:
Essential Skills for the Modern Public Servant

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024 | 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ET/7 a.m.-1 p.m. PT
Attendees Can Earn Up to 5 CPE Credits
Live Captioning Will Be Available
Registration Is Free and Open to Everyone


10-11 AM ET/7-8 AM PT – Opening Keynote Session (1 CPE Credit):

Your High-Level Crash Course in Making Your Mission Matter

Government’s greatest asset isn’t its data, systems, networks, influence or reach. It’s you: the modern public servants powering the work behind the mission. In this engaging opening keynote session, we will kick off the virtual summit with a crash course on why you, government employees of all levels, are the true drivers of innovation and transformation in agencies across the country.

5 In-Demand Skills for Modern Public Servants – How You Get Them

You have ambitions, aspirations and plans for your next career move. But do you have the right skills to make it happen? This opening keynote session will feature a government insider who will identify the top five in-demand skills for motivated gov employees.

11-11:15 AM ET/8-8:15 AM PT – Break

11:15 AM-12:15 PM ET/8:15-9:15 AM PT – Breakout Session Round 1 (1 CPE Credit):

How to Manage Through Change

Love it or hate it, change is hard. It can bring about uncertainty and anxiety but as we find ourselves in an election year, it’s more important than ever to be comfortable with transition. In this breakout session, you’ll gain practical knowledge about how to navigate change for yourself or those you supervise.

Key Takeaway: Gain confidence to navigate through change.

ECQ 1: Leading Change

Addressing Poor Performers

Poor performers don’t carry their weight on a team, but they also negatively impact morale, collaboration and overall organization productivity. Yet, addressing low performance can be an incredibly sensitive and awkward situation. During this breakout session, a career expert will walk you through how to approach this conversation and set appropriate next steps.

Key Takeaway: You’ll learn how to address low performance and put a plan in place to improve work quality.

ECQ 3: Results Driven

The Keys to Hybrid Communication

“You’re on mute.” “Your video is frozen.” “There’s a lot of background noise and we can’t hear you.” Even though video meetings and remote work are now normalized, there are still a lot of day-to-day challenges (ahem, annoyances) that arise in a hybrid work environment. In this session, you’ll hear from an expert communicator about how to overcome barriers and improve collaboration in the hybrid work environment.

Key Takeaway: You’ll gain practical tips for improving communication on hybrid teams.

ECQ 5: Build Coalitions

5 Generations in the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Did you know there are currently five different generations active in today’s workforce? How can managers and supervisors consider all the differing perspectives, experience levels, communication norms and technical savvy on their teams? And how can individual contributors figure out how to work best with their colleagues? This session will provide an overview of what the government workforce looks like today and how to address generational differences to maximize productivity and improve team dynamics.

Key Takeaway: You’ll better understand how generational differences impact the current government workforce.

ECQ 2: Leading People

Plain Language 101 – Learn to BLUF

BLUF is a military acronym that stands for “Bottom Line Up Front.” BLUF is a simple idea that emphasizes clarity and conciseness in communications. In this practical session, you’ll hear from a plain language expert about how this military approach to communications can be applied in any context and how it will improve your writing.

Key Takeaway: Learn the basics of plain language with a focus on writing with clarity and conciseness.

ECQ 4: Business Acumen

Expert Tips to Improve Your Financial Wellness

Money is tight and with expenses on the rise figuring out your finances is more important than ever. In this session, you’ll hear from a financial wellness partner at WAEPA, as he discusses how to take a simplified approach to personal financial planning. He will lay out clearly defined, actionable steps that you can easily fit into your busy life.

Key Takeaway: Gain insights on how to manage spending, pay off debt, strengthen your credit, build a retirement nest egg, and more.

12:15-12:30 PM ET/9:15-9:30 AM PT – Break

12:30-1:30 PM ET/9:30-10:30 AM PT – Lunch Keynote Session (1 CPE Credit):

Why “No” Should Be Your Career Superpower

When did ‘no’ get such a bad rap? Many of us are conditioned to think that we simply can’t say no at work. But the hesitancy to push back or question requests has led to a shocking amount of burnout. In this engaging keynote session, we’re flipping the script on how we think about saying ‘no’ at work. You’ll learn why it’s critical to protect your boundaries and learn how to push back – effectively and respectfully.

2024 NextGen Public Service Awards Ceremony

Join us in celebrating this year’s award winners as they are announced! We will recognize their hard work and commitment to excellence in public service. See this year’s full list of award winners and finalists.

Be the Boss of Your Own Career: The Value of Networks

Remote work certainly did a number on professional networking. It’s much harder to connect with your peers, let alone leverage a network to advance your career. So how can you continue to foster relationships when we’re more isolated than we have been in years? Our keynote speaker will talk about the value of connection and how to build lasting, impactful relationships both online and in-person.

1:30-1:45 PM ET/10:30-10:45 AM PT – Break

1:45-2:45 PM ET/10:45-11:45 AM PT – Breakout Session Round 2 (1 CPE Credit):

How to Use Data and Facts to Make Your Pitch Stronger = How to Use Data to Prove Your Point

No matter how persuasive or compelling you think your argument, idea or project is, without data to back you up, you risk having your pitch fail. Your ideas need to be rooted in data and facts to get buy-in and participation. This breakout session will cover how to build a case for yourself by using data and data storytelling.

Key Takeaway: Explore how to strengthen your arguments with data.

ECQ 2: Leading Change

What Does Inclusion Actually Look Like?

Government isn’t at its best unless agencies are inclusive. All perspectives, backgrounds, voices and ideas need to be heard. But how is this done in practice? Do agencies and their leaders foster inclusive environments so that all employees are valued equally? Hear from an inclusion expert as they walk through real-life practices you can adopt today to make your agency an inclusive workplace.

Key Takeaway: You’ll learn best practices for creating an inclusive workplace.

ECQ 5: Building Coalitions

5 Steps to Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome

Self-doubt and second-guessing our own abilities and potential harms your career trajectory. We can often get stuck in thinking we’re not ready to take on a new project or interview for a more senior position. Sadly, this kind of self-doubt is more common than you might think. Even though imposter syndrome is widely reported, there are practical steps you can take to push past internal fears and doubts and achieve your professional goals.

Key Takeaway: Learn practical advice for overcoming imposter syndrome and taking on new challenges.

ECQ 3: Results Driven

How to Get Your Resume Noticed

Navigating the job market can feel like going into battle. In order to secure the job you want, you need to arm yourself with a bulletproof resume. In this breakout session, you’ll hear from a career expert about how to spruce up your resume so it stands out. You’ll learn what hiring managers and recruiters are looking for, and how to put your personal spin on it.

Key Takeaway: Learn how to make your resume stand out to potential employers.

ECQ 4: Business Acumen

Pick Your Battles – How to Know What Matters

In any given day, you’re likely to run into little hiccups, obstacles, annoyances and challenges. In the workplace, however, it’s important to be able to sift through these disruptions and be judicious about picking your battles. In this breakout session, you’ll hear from a career expert about how to keep the big picture in mind while also learning where your boundaries are and how to stand up for yourself and your values.

Key Takeaway: Hear practical advice for navigating disruptions or disagreements.

ECQ 1: Leading People

2:45-3 PM ET/11:45 AM-12 PM PT – Break

3-4 PM ET/12-1 PM PT – Closing Keynote Session (1 CPE Credit):

Be Curious: 4 Exercises for Self-Improvement

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it will absolutely help you on your road to self-improvement! Join us for the first part of the closing keynote session to hear from our inspiring keynote speaker as they discuss four exercises you can do to better yourself. You will not end this session the same person you were when it started.

How to Use AI to Make the Most out of Your Future

As artificial intelligence continues to dominate headlines, it’s easy to get lost in the buzz and lose sight of its tangible benefits. In this closing keynote session, you’ll hear from an AI expert about how you can leverage AI as a tool to help you create the future you want.



GovLoop is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.